Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Week 97 - June 11, 2018

GALtheWAYup !

WOW.  MIRACLES HAVE ALREADY BEGUN IN GALWAY! What an amazing place to end my mission.  The people are friendly, the city is beautiful, and the branch is full of legends. We have already had a great start to the transfer and really were blessed being in the right place at the right time. 

Tuesday:  We started the morning just walking out of the flat into the city square and three minutes in a lady named Sandra comes up to us.  She asks us if we can pray for her. We do and begin talking to her and learn that she is seeking to come closer to God in her life.  We set up a lesson for the next day and we GQ for the day on until the evening where we teach a RC named Andreas from Chile.  What a funny guy.  He tells us a bit more about his life and about Galway. Galway has loads of tourists, especially Americans, so it's funny we have already run into a few members, but it really is a big melting pot here for Irish, Asians, Americans, and Brazilians!

Wednesday:  We begin the day by teaching Sandra, and I don't know if I can say I have met anyone more prepared or receptive to our message in my ENTIRE mission.  She is what you call Golden.  She had been praying for nine weeks for someone to help her come to God, and she said when she saw us walking down the street, that we were two lights and she couldn't stop herself from coming up to us and asking for help.  She is a 53-year-old Irish woman who comes from a Catholic background, but sees the corruption in the church and how they separate the authority from the people.  Actually, a lot of Irish people do not like the Catholic church.  They come up to us and tell us to help the Catholics and tell us all of these corrupt things they have done here. We taught Sandra the Restoration, and she loved it, and accepted a date for baptism on the 23rd of June!  After Sandra, we GQ a bit and have an on the spot with another Irish guy named Declan, really cool as well.  He said after our lesson that his head is saying not to meet with us again, but his heart is telling him to.  So we set up another lesson with him. 

Thursday:  In the morning, we taught Sandra.  She had read 75 PAGES of the Book of Mormon in one night.  She said she couldn't put it down.  WOW.   We taught her about the Plan Of Salvation.  She accepted all of it and understood so clearly, and the rest of the day we GQ'd!  We GQ mostly on the high street called Shop Street, which is really famous and around Eyre Square.  They are packed full of people all day and especially all night haha.  Our flat is right in the city, so we hear all of the night life as well. 

Friday:  We taught Sandra in the morning and we are going through the gospel of Jesus Christ when this girl named Ellen comes up and asks if she can learn more about the book we are teaching from.  WHAT!  She is 20 and has lived all over the world, especially in the Middle East and said she has a belief in a higher power but really wants to know how she can connect to it.  Haha it's almost too good to be true.  We will be seeing her this week as she had to study over the weekend.  In the evening, we went over with the sisters to our WML and had dinner !

Saturday:  We taught Sandra about the Sabbath day and about church, and GQ'd.  The weekends are crazy with all the tourists.  Some people gave us ice cream and cupcakes and money though, Woo! 

Sunday:  We were able to go with Sandra to church.  The branch is great!  They have a lot of members who are so willing and so desirous to build up their branch that they can become a ward.  I was able to give a talk and introduce myself as well.  After church, I gave a man named William a baptismal interview, and it was great.  Excited to get to know these members more.  After church, we GQ'd and in the evening we went over with Sandra to the senior couple named the Handys' home for a spiritual message and a nice meal! 

This week we have All Ireland and will probably be going into Cork.  I'm excited to see everyone there.  I didn't have a chance to take too many photos as we were pretty busy getting started here, but I will get more this week.v I love you all, and am so grateful for my mission and the experiences I have gone through here that strengthen my testimony that we have a loving Father in Heaven, and that each of us are his children, and one eternal family. 😇🍀

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