Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 33 - March 20, 2017

Hiya, guys!  

Glad to see you all had a fun week.  Before I email about my week, MY BACK IS OKAY!!  It's feeling a lot better and I don't look like I need a cane anymore, whatta miracle !  Thank you for all the love and prayers sent my way, it means a lot :) 

This week was longgg, glad to say it's over.  But I learned a lot through the Spirit and am looking forward to the week ahead!  Elder Nelson and I will be here for another 5 weeks, which is great!  I love Lisburn!  Anyways, I'll go through the week now.
 (Elder Copeland writes: 
"Here are a few wee pics of Lisburn since I didn't take many photos this week.  I'll be better next week!")

Tuesday:  We had a pretty solid day of finding.  We were able to teach Kirstie as well.  We wrote her parents letters to try and explain to them how we don't have all these crazy beliefs and rituals and what-not that people told them we did.  We also went to the Physio for my back.  It was good!  I had a pretty cool girl who studied in Dublin and was engaged fix me all up and pop my body and push on all these weird pressure points and what not.  That was good!  She was giving me all these sweet places to propose to my wife one day in Ireland.  It was funny!  Mannie went to Priesthood with Mark, as well, which was sweet! 

Wednesday:  Another day of finding!  We are just trying to build up the teaching pool for the transfer ahead of us!  This really nice older lady in the ward took us to a Chippys and got us these massive burgers and chips, then ice cream afterwards.  We were dying!  Lisburn feeds us too much! ;) 

Thursday:  More finding, we had a great lesson with Recent Convert, Mike, though!  He loves the Elders, and he ordered pizza when he had us over and just wanted to hang with us, such a good guy!  I got to teach the Book of Mormon Class this week, and I taught a lesson on Alma 47 (shout out to Barbs for it ).  It talks a lot about a really wicked man named Amalickiah and how he does a lot of bad to become the king of the Lamanites.  I referred it to us in our own lives, and how King A is Satan.  He wants us to come down from our hill of protection and join with him, and how he throw anything he can in our paths to coming closer to our Heavenly Father.  Read the chapter!  It will make more sense then I hope I sort of did there haha!

Friday:  Today was St. Patrick's day, which wasn't as exciting as I thought it was going to be because we are in the North!  We were told we were not allowed near any town centers or large groups of people, so that meant chapping the entire day.. wooooo...  We did have a great experience though.  Mark asked us to go over and talk to his father-in-law who lives in Lisburn.  He used to be a temple president and is good friends with ELDER HOLLAND AND THE PROPHET WAAA!  He was telling us all of these incredible experiences he has had with these men, and how they love Aberdeen and Lisburn and have had some cool stories here.  It was really needed.  This week we had been trying to find some motivation, but I'll be honest, it isn't the greatest fun walking around in the rain every single day for 8 or so hours and getting rejected most of the time.  At the end of our wee chat, I felt inspired to ask him to leave us with a prayer.  He said one of the most beautiful prayers I have EVER heard in my life.  I was hit HARD with the Spirit and was just bawling my eyes out.  We left and I gave him a massive hug and told him thank you so much, and all he did was keep thanking us for coming.  So I would say this St. Patrick's day was one of my favourites, and besides, not many people can say they've lived in Ireland ;)

Saturday:  Lots more finding!  We went over to Candice's home in the evening and had a lesson.  We brought Mannie along with us, flippen legend!  Candice was telling us how she doesn't know if she's ready just yet for this week, even though she is the most prepared person we have ever taught.  We explained to her how we don't want her to feel rushed in any way at all!  She is thinking next week before conference she will do it.  Pray for her to be ready! 

Sunday:  A great Sunday!  Candice and her whole fam came to church, they loved it!  We had planning afterwards, then later on in the evening we went over to Mark's and shared a wee spiritual message for some YSA Cottage party they were having.  It was good fun!

That was my week the best I can remember.  It was a tough one for some reason.  I think just my back hurting and not really seeing a ton of progress with finding new people was putting me down.  But just putting our trust in the Lord and remembering our purpose as missionaries is what helps.  I am excited for this week coming ahead!  We have our All Ireland Conference Tomorrow, so we will be staying with some other Elders in the City tonight.  We also have interviews with President on Thursday, sweet!  I am grateful to be here, although its tough, although I want to just quit sometimes, I put my faith and trust in God and he helps me get through it!  I love you all and will talk to you soon! :)
Elder Copeland 

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