When they couldn't afford it, they pulled handcarts carrying only the barest of essentials. He told of how he had just returned from going on a Mormon historical tour called "Originations" with 100 of his classmates from Lone Peak High School. They were able to cross the 2,000 miles in air-conditioned buses, with good beds at night and plenty of food--quite a different way than the pioneers did it. But at each stop along the way that was so important in the lives of the pioneers clear back to the Sacred Grove where Joseph Smith offered his first vocal prayer to find out which church he should join, Elder Copeland said he felt so close to the Lord and realized how important those pioneers were in making sure they were able to offer the gospel to their posterity. Elder Copeland is thrilled to be offering the gospel to the people in Scotland/Ireland so that they might help themselves and their posterity have the blessings and happiness the gospel brings. It was such a great talk that he gave, truly from his heart.
Elder Copeland with his brother and dad after Sacrament Meeting.
Elder Copeland with his parents.
Elder Copeland with his mother.
Elder Copeland with his Grandparents George and Laura Copeland.
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