Hello, to my favorite missionaries!
I made the temple!! Wow, what an amazing experience. I cannot believe that 7 months after my baptism, I made it to the temple to carry out baptisms for the first time, and what an incredible experience it has been! It was such a blessing to have been worthy of being able to enter the House of our Savior and to carry out a service for those who have gone before us in this life, and to give them the opportunity to experience the love our Savior has for each and every one of us and those who have passed on and allowing them the opportunity to experience the joy of the gospel and help them to enter into the Celestial kingdom to be with our loving Heavenly Father. It made me realize how fortunate we are on this earth to have such a special calling in this life to have the position of serving others, and helping them achieve the goal of having eternal life with all our loved ones, and being reunited with our family and friends. I carried out 34 baptisms.
I can say that I have been so blessed since joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and for having you guys in my life. I am thankful for having had the opportunity to be taught the missionary lessons leading to my baptism and confirmation, and I can say that my life has changed dramatically for the better ever since. I actually got emotional and wished that you guys were there with me, as it brought me back to the day of my baptism. I wanted to make you guys proud and ensure that I can follow your example. I cannot express the feelings of peace and joy that this has brought to my life, and I certainly look forward to progressing further to carrying out more temple ordinances in the future such as endowment, and of course reaching the higher priesthood! This has led to me wanting to be a stronger person in our faith, and to truly following our Savior's example of sharing this joy with others, learning more about the teachings of the church, and helping those to reach eternal life.
I can proudly say that I know the blessings of the temple are unique in that you leave with a sense of peace in your heart, a sense of belonging and a place where you can retreat and reflect on your own personal spiritual journey. I am forever thankful for you guys and for being with me on this amazing journey. This church is true, and Christ is our Savior.
Love you guys lots. Here are some photos. :-) Mannie